Konga Habnab - Supernatural
Konga Habnab - Supernatural
- Ethiopia
- Nectarine, Rock Melon, White chocolate
- 1800-2000masl
Origin Story
Origin Story
Processing Details
o Coffees grow in small-holder farmers’ backyards (known as ‘garden coffee’) in the Yirgacheffe region
o Cherries are harvested from October – January and taken to the washing station where small-holder lots are combined
o Coffee is hand sorted to remove under- and over-ripe cherries and select cherries between 18-22º Brix
o Cherries are shade-dried on raised beds in thick piles and regularly turned over to control fermentation for the first 3-5 days
o Cherries are then thinned out during the day but piled up again inside plastic ‘cocoons’ at night for 5-8 days
o Finally, cherries are spread in thick layers on beds with frequent moving for 10-15 days until moisture reaches 10-12%
o Dried beans are then stored in the dried cherry pod for protection and to maximise fruit flavours until milling and export preparation
o The exporters, Primrose, does further quality control and sorting during milling. As a
minimum they do a triple-pass through a colour sorter and a triple-pass through handsorting tables to improve overall quality
The Konga Wete Webanchi washing station is a great example of specialty coffee production coming together with supporting the local community.
The station is built next to a school near the town of Wete, and both Primrose and Project Origin
work closely with the teachers and staff to provide the support they need to educate local children.
When Meseret and Abraham, the wife and husband team that own Primrose, were looking for the site of a new washing station,
they chose this spot, as it meant the station would have easy access to electricity – no easy feat in parts of rural Ethiopia.
The access to electricity means the station can continue to process coffee after sunset, a task commonly made difficult at other washing stations.
Project Origin have been working with the team at Konga Wete Webanchi washing station on their carbonic maceration processing, and the results
continue to please many people around the world.
Dose - 20g
Yield - 48g
Time : 26-30sec
*We use 20g VST baskets our water temperature is 93.5c
Fast Delivery
Fast Delivery
All orders are packaged with care and shipped within 3 business days.
You can expect your order to arrive within 4 business days within Australia metro areas, depending on shipping option chosen.
We ship internationally fresh coffee!
For international orders we use Fedex Express which takes about 3-10 business days depending on your location.